Scripture Readings

Week 42
Sunday, August 16 ~ Luke 12, 13, 14
Monday, August 17 ~ Luke 15, 16; Psalm 136
Tuesday, August 18 ~ Luke 17, 18, 19; Psalm 137
Wednesday, August 19 ~ Luke 20, 21; Psalm 138
Thursday, August 20 ~ Luke 22, 23, 24
Friday, August 21 ~ John 1, 2, 3; Psalm 139
Saturday, August 22 ~ John 4, 5; Psalm 140

Week 41

Sunday, August 9 ~ Mark 10, 11, 12

Monday, August 10 ~ Mark 13, 14; Psalm 130, 131

Tuesday, August 11 ~ Mark 15, 16; Psalm 132, 133

Wednesday, August 12 ~ Luke 1, 2, 3

Thursday, August 13 ~ Luke 4, 5, 6

Friday, August 14 ~ Luke 7, 8; Psalm 134, 135

Saturday, August 15 ~ Luke 9, 10, 11

Friday, September 5, 2008

Getting Started!

I'm still trying to figure out this blogging thing! However, I think, I'm just about ready to start. Anyone is invited to join with me in reading through the entire Bible this year. Each week I'll list the scripture readings for the week and then during the week, I'll reflect on what's been read. You are invited to add your own comments on the readings.

You may wonder what translation of the Bible you might want to be reading. I'll mostly be reading from the New Revised Standard Translation, most scholars believe is one of the most accurate of translations. It's my favorite and frankly, most of my bibles are that translation. Just so you know, I have five different study bibles that are the NRSV (New Revised Standard Version) the Harper Collins Study Bible, the New Interpreter's Study Bible, the Spiritual Formation Study Bible and the Discipleship Study Bible. Not to mention three different size bibles that are the NRSV. As you can see, I have a plethora of this type of Bible! I also love to read Eugene Petersons paraphrase, The Message. I use it often for my devotional reading.

I'm glad you've decided to join me on this journey. If you've looked at the list above, you'll see that I've set the start date - Sunday, November 2. So dust off your Bible, find a comfortable place to be once a day and let's get ready to read!



Sande said...

Let me know if that comment reached you...but then if it didn't, this one won't either. Oh, well, maybe I need to figure this bloggin out, too!


Anonymous said...

Our family has begun and we are reading daily. Thanks for this way in which to be disciplined.

Mike C said...

Just read about this "tour" of the Bible in the Messenger. So, I'm scrambling to dust off my Bible and catch up the past week's readings. Need to finish before you hit us with next week's assignments (does that sound like I'm back in school or what?).

Looking forward to participating in this "journey" with you.


Mike C

Anonymous said...

I am enjoying the Harper Collins Study Bible that you suggested. I love some of the translations that they provide of words and names. My favorite is when Abraham laughs when God says Sarah will become pregnant. Isaac, the name for this child given to them by God means "he haughs."

I also like the explanations that I would not have caught without the study bible's extra assistance. For example, Lot's hospitality is compared to Abraham's. Upon studying the two men's treatment of God's visit, you realize that Abraham was definitely more deferential to God than Lot. Abraham served "cakes of choice flour" but Lot served "unleavened bread." Abraham "stood by them...while they ate" while at Lot's they ate together.