Scripture Readings

Week 42
Sunday, August 16 ~ Luke 12, 13, 14
Monday, August 17 ~ Luke 15, 16; Psalm 136
Tuesday, August 18 ~ Luke 17, 18, 19; Psalm 137
Wednesday, August 19 ~ Luke 20, 21; Psalm 138
Thursday, August 20 ~ Luke 22, 23, 24
Friday, August 21 ~ John 1, 2, 3; Psalm 139
Saturday, August 22 ~ John 4, 5; Psalm 140

Week 41

Sunday, August 9 ~ Mark 10, 11, 12

Monday, August 10 ~ Mark 13, 14; Psalm 130, 131

Tuesday, August 11 ~ Mark 15, 16; Psalm 132, 133

Wednesday, August 12 ~ Luke 1, 2, 3

Thursday, August 13 ~ Luke 4, 5, 6

Friday, August 14 ~ Luke 7, 8; Psalm 134, 135

Saturday, August 15 ~ Luke 9, 10, 11

Friday, November 7, 2008

Lists, lists and other thoughts...

We've made it through the flood and found hope in the midst of swirling waters. The earth, as such, is recreated and God initiates a covenant with God's people. I think that is why all of us love rainbows so much - we remember in that sign, that God remembers us!

The first 9 chapters that we've read have been so fast moving. The world created, human life begins, we love and we hurt one another but through it all God's grace is present. Please do not forget this, the God of grace is indeed present in the Hebrew Scriptures!

Today as we continue reading we get to those long and dare I say, boring, geneological lists. My suggestion - read fast!

Scholars say that there are several strands of writers that are part of the Torah (the first five books of the Bible) one strand is known as the Priestly writers. These writers are concerned with keeping track of who we are. In other words, these lists provide a framework for our reading and in their own way testify to God's ongoing creative work in the world through people.

As I read those lists, I am reminded of going through old family pictures. On my side of the family, we have great pictures, but turn the picture over and the backside is blank! Today, we have no idea of who those ancestors are because their names have gone with the memories of those that are no longer in our midst.

On Chuck Reedstrom's side of the family, when you turn a picture over there are lists that include names, dates and places! A wealth of information! This is what the Priestly writers do for us as they carefully keep track of names and family lines.

I wish there had been a strand of Priestly writers in my family - maybe it's not too late to start - after all, that is what God continually tells's never too late to turn around!

In joy,


Kay Laycock said...

I am also new to using a blog and, after 30 minutes, I think I have this right. We'll see. Thanks, Suzy, for doing this Bible study blog. It's so nice to do it at home. Now that we've created all and, slogged through some genealogy and gotten Noah through the flood, I'm looking forward to what's to come. Kay Laycock

Beez said...

Suzy...this is such a great way to create a discipline of "worshipping" and "growing" every our own timing. With folks' busy schedules, some find it hard to commit to a scheduled bible study...this enables anyone to plug in and follow a Bible study any time of the day or night.