Scripture Readings

Week 42
Sunday, August 16 ~ Luke 12, 13, 14
Monday, August 17 ~ Luke 15, 16; Psalm 136
Tuesday, August 18 ~ Luke 17, 18, 19; Psalm 137
Wednesday, August 19 ~ Luke 20, 21; Psalm 138
Thursday, August 20 ~ Luke 22, 23, 24
Friday, August 21 ~ John 1, 2, 3; Psalm 139
Saturday, August 22 ~ John 4, 5; Psalm 140

Week 41

Sunday, August 9 ~ Mark 10, 11, 12

Monday, August 10 ~ Mark 13, 14; Psalm 130, 131

Tuesday, August 11 ~ Mark 15, 16; Psalm 132, 133

Wednesday, August 12 ~ Luke 1, 2, 3

Thursday, August 13 ~ Luke 4, 5, 6

Friday, August 14 ~ Luke 7, 8; Psalm 134, 135

Saturday, August 15 ~ Luke 9, 10, 11

Monday, December 8, 2008


Just so you know, I miss your comments!!! Hoping someone would like to add their thoughts! (Hint, hint, hint)


Anonymous said...

Is there significance in when an offering to the Lord is a male or female animal?

jane said...

I am sure all the rules and regulations for the various sacrifices were important to the Israelites, but I will be happy when we move on. Jane

Suzy said...

I know, me too. Remember this was the holiness code and meant for the priests. It's a little like reading the United Methodist Book of Discipline straight through!

Anonymous said...

I used to read through these sections and go cross-eyed!

Then one day it struck me that if God almighty, who is described as speaking the world into existence, would concern Himself with such details as hem fringe lengths, then there might be room in His vision for one such as me.

Pretty crazy idea, but it made the passage meaningful for me in that it spoke to the character of God as being one of top-to-bottom attention and concern.